Who is Ellery Eden, GG, BSc?
Ellery Eden, GG, BSc, is a graduate gemologist, scientific health researcher, and natural health copywriter.

Who is Ellery Eden, GG, BSc

Ellery Eden, GG, BSc, took a circuitous route to reach her passion. She graduated with honors in biology and physics. She spent two years in medical school before Crohn’s disease changed her life path. Ellery built successful laboratory, retail, manufacturing, and export businesses over 25 years. She earned the respect of peers in her field, provided expert testimony, and lectured, instructed, and mentored new graduates.
Ellery Eden discovered through personal experience that conventional medicine lacks the vital healing component. As a result, her true love of biology and quest to find answers for her illness bloomed into helping friends and family members feel better. It immersed her in medicine, functional medicine, nutrition, alternative, and natural health, strengthening powerful research skills and know-how for over 40 years.
After retiring from business, Ellery Eden returned to her first love in health and uses decades of experience to help design formidable, full-spectrum natural health formulas that achieve beneficial results without harsh side effects. And her enthusiasm clearly shows in her educative copywriting, empowering people to revitalize their health and help make dreams come true!
After retiring from business, Ellery Eden returned to her first love in health and uses decades of experience to help design formidable, full-spectrum natural health formulas that achieve beneficial results without harsh side effects. And her enthusiasm clearly shows in her educative copywriting, empowering people to revitalize their health and help make dreams come true!
PureHealth Research Product Suggestions and Reviews from Ellery Eden
Liver Health Formula
Your body is like a SPONGE, absorbing contaminants and toxins from its surrounding environment that fatigue your liver over time. A sluggish liver disrupts blood sugar and energy, producing FLAB. Belly fat LEAKS harmful compounds that cause inflammation and fatty liver deposits, further burdening your liver and slowing your metabolism, which makes more FAT in a vicious cycle. This roundabout accelerates organ aging and disease.
Liver Health Formula's 12 formidable nutrients and botanicals skyrocket antioxidant potential, shielding your organs from premature aging, oxidative damage, and disease. In addition, they improve multiple liver functions, boosting fat-burning metabolism, detoxification, and all-day energy!
Fungus Eliminator
Some people become trapped with unsightly toenail fungus for decades. Messy topicals take time to apply and absorb and need a consistent application for months. The fungus usually returns with a vengeance even if you stick with it. That’s because the fungus roots deep where topicals can’t reach and grow back stronger. And they can enter your bloodstream to find a warm, dark organ to call home, causing vague, confusing health problems.
Fungus Eliminator's 9 natural ingredients work like NAPALM on fungus and harmful pathogens, destroying them system-wide while shielding organ systems from damage and fortifying immunity functions!
Blood Sugar Formula
Blood sugar provides your body with energy. But too much can permanently damage your eyes and vision, nerves, brain, kidneys, and blood vessels, leading to clots, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. High levels can also rob your body of energy, causing crushing fatigue, memory loss, fuzzy thinking, and digestive and respiratory problems. So, managing optimal blood sugar levels is critical for a healthy body and mind.
Blood Sugar Formula’s 17 vital nutrients and potent botanicals help reduce hormone resistance, shield blood vessels from free radical oxidative damage, and restore blood sugar and energy on track, naturally, without harsh side effects!
Parasites are probably EATING your tissues right now. About 80% of people are INFESTED by parasites contracted from pets, food, water, or your backyard. Each type of parasite has a preferred “CHOICE CUT,” like your muscles, gut walls, or organs, where they MUNCH then POOP toxic waste. They can cause digestive problems, hunger, joint pain, mood swings, brain fog, wonky blood sugar, fatigue, nagging allergies, and flu-like symptoms.
Parabroom blankets your body with natural PESTICIDES like papain, Olive leaves, garlic, and onion, that MELT THE BUGGERS and SCUTTLE their eggs, and Black Walnut gently ESCORTS THEM OUT of your body!
Complete Vision Formula
Vision loss occurs when damaged blood vessels CHOKE off vital nutrients and oxygen and the removal of CELLULAR GARBAGE. The accumulation of “waste” sparks oxidation and inflammation, further damaging vessels that can break, bleed, or leak fluid into the macula (age-related macular degeneration - AMD). Oxidation can also lead to cataracts. And UV rays accelerate cellular aging, AMD, cataract formation, and corneal damage, leading to vision loss.
Complete Vision Formula helps keep your windows to the world crystal clear. It filters UV and high-intensity blue light, supports healthy blood flow, neutralizes oxidation, reduces inflammatory markers, and soothes naturally!